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CEN Workshop on 'Intelligent Road intervention processes
share:    Updated:2024-08-21 00:00:00

This CEN-CENELEC Workshop intends to develop two CWAs related with the automation of road maintenance technologies.

Tentative scope:

· The first one specifies a protocol that aims to cover the usage of XR technologies in road maintenance operations in combination with a Robotic Modular Platform. This methodology involves the use of AR for on road operator support with digital instructions and communication with other technologies such as V2X for alerts. In addition, the use of VR for training and for teleoperation for the remote operator is also considered.

· The second one defines a Decision Support Tool for the optimal planning of road maintenance interventions and resources, moving towards advanced maintenance strategies.


The Workshop is an initiative by OMICRON aimed at enhancing road maintenance, renewal, and upgrades through robotic technologies and intelligent decision support tools. These advancements aim to improve road user and personnel safety, reduce maintenance costs, and increase the efficiency of road interventions, thereby minimizing traffic disruptions. The workshop's main goal is to provide a methodology for implementing these tools, rather than a case study, through a comprehensive framework outlined in the envisioned CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA). This framework will guide using XR technologies and data-driven road management without prescribing specific technologies.

The final deliverables of this Workshop (CEN/CWA) are expected to be finalized in December 2024.


Kick off meeting and registration

The kick-off meeting will be held on 7th October 2024. The kick-off meeting will be online only.

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